
Articles & Resources

A Marketing Strategy is Crucial to Your Business’ Success: Here’s Why

Have you ever wondered, “why would a business want to develop a marketing strategy?” A marketing plan is essential, but it’s nothing without a marketing strategy. Search Google, and you can find thousands of quotes about the importance of planning. But, what is a plan without a strategy? Typically, a plan is a list of…

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Hone Your Creativity, Reduce the Noise Around You, and See Your Sales Grow

Takeaways from the Detroit Digital Summit 2022 on how creative marketing can increase your sales. Mobile devices have increased the noise around us to a level unmatched in our history. All of this noise and distraction can make it difficult to be creative and expand on new ideas. Jenny Haggard, Spotify’s Lead in Creative Strategy…

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5 Ways to Use Your Blog Content as a Sales and Marketing Tool

Depending on how long you’ve been in the sales and marketing game, you may remember a time when every tactic was based on an outbound contact. A business would send its sales message to its audience through advertising, direct mail, outbound calling, or even door-to-door selling.  While many of those strategies are still used (and…

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Why WordPress Is This Agency’s Web Development Platform of Choice

You may be wondering, “why should I use WordPress for my website?” But first, it’s important to realize that no two websites are the same. From design to domain and everything in between, websites are unique digital and visual representations of an organization, its values, products, and services. For each unique company, there is an…

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4 Ways to Build a Resilient, Recession-Proof Business

It’s never been a better time to recession-proof your business. As 2022 comes to an end, I think of all the uncertainty we all felt this past year (or two). We’ve experienced an ongoing global pandemic, which led to dramatic changes on how we conduct our daily lives. This doesn’t even include the economic fluctuations,…

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When the Going Gets Tough, Where Should You Focus Your Marketing Efforts?

Should we brace for marketing during a recession? Bloomberg Economics says there’s close to a three-in-four recession probability by 2024. Economists at Deutsche Bank AG, one of the first major banks to forecast a recession, now expect one to begin in mid-2023; Wells Fargo & Co. predicts the same. Nomura Holdings Inc. expects one even…

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Mentor Moments from The Girl Scouts Leadership Conference

Rebecca Dutcher, our president and founder, recently had the opportunity to be a mentor at the Inaugural 2022 Girl Scouts Leadership Conference put on by the Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore (GMISTS).  Here’s a recap of her experience, in her own words. It was an honor to be asked to participate and share…

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The True Value of Repurposing Content

In today’s digital space, it can seem increasingly overwhelming to tackle all “the things” (as our founder often says).  However, sometimes, all your website needs is a little content refreshing and repurposing to keep your audience interested. But first, this question needs to be answered: what is content repurposing? What is Content Repurposing? Content repurposing…

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