
website metrics that matter

More Than Traffic: The 6 Website Metrics That Matter The Most 

By Trent Rantala / August 15, 2023 / Comments Off on More Than Traffic: The 6 Website Metrics That Matter The Most 

Understanding website performance is essential in today’s digital landscape, which is why website key performance indicators (KPIs) serve as the foundation of this understanding. However, not everyone is an expert when it comes to making sense of the vast amount of data out there. That’s why we’ll be breaking down the six website metrics that matter…

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digital marketing recruitment

Enhancing Your Recruitment Efforts: How Digital Advertising Can Help You Find the Right Candidates

By Justin Dykstra / June 23, 2023 / Comments Off on Enhancing Your Recruitment Efforts: How Digital Advertising Can Help You Find the Right Candidates

In today’s competitive job market, attracting and recruiting top talent is a challenge faced by many businesses. Traditional recruitment methods may not always yield the desired results, making it crucial for companies to explore new avenues to reach potential candidates-such as digital marketing recruitment. As a result, digital advertising has emerged as a powerful tool…

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How to Make a Compelling Sales LinkedIn Profile: 7 Tips and Tricks

By Emily Rudoni / June 14, 2023 / Comments Off on How to Make a Compelling Sales LinkedIn Profile: 7 Tips and Tricks

If you’re looking for information on how to sell on LinkedIn, you’ve come to the right place. LinkedIn is the go-to platform for professionals to connect, network, and find job opportunities. It’s also a powerful tool for sales professionals to generate leads and build relationships with potential clients. In fact, did you know that sales professionals…

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ethical marketing agency

The 5 Key Aspects of an Ethical Marketing Agency

By Sydney Fairman / June 9, 2023 / Comments Off on The 5 Key Aspects of an Ethical Marketing Agency

Choosing an ethical marketing agency is so much more than just selecting one that fits your budget. It’s also about finding one that has the ability to understand your business and how it operates, and be able to adapt their services accordingly. Too many times, we’ve onboarded new clients who tell us horror stories about…

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social media marketing tips for small business

5 Easy Social Media Marketing Tips for Business Leaders

By RED66 / May 22, 2023 / Comments Off on 5 Easy Social Media Marketing Tips for Business Leaders

In today’s digital age, having a social media presence is essential for businesses. It’s an effective way to reach out to customers, build brand awareness, and engage with customers and supporters alike.  However, setting up social media profiles can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not familiar with the process or with maintaining these accounts.  Below,…

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questions to ask a marketing agency

Top 3 Questions to Ask During Your Marketing Meetings

By Jade Molewyk / May 17, 2023 / Comments Off on Top 3 Questions to Ask During Your Marketing Meetings

We’ve all had that thought before; “this meeting could have been an email.”  So, why aren’t your marketing meetings just done through email? While we fully understand how valuable your time is as a business owner, we believe there is great value in meeting regularly. Even if it’s virtual, it’s important to meet at least…

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why advertise on social media

5 Key Reasons to Consider Social Media Advertising

By Nicole Kelly / May 2, 2023 / Comments Off on 5 Key Reasons to Consider Social Media Advertising

Are you wondering why you should advertise on social media for your business? In the digital age, social media has transformed the way we connect, share, and consume information. With billions of active users worldwide, social media platforms have become a goldmine for businesses to reach their target audience.  In the almost 24 hours per…

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how to improve website user experience

The Power of User Experience: How Great UX Increases Conversion Rates

By Vanessa Lansdale / April 19, 2023 / Comments Off on The Power of User Experience: How Great UX Increases Conversion Rates

Today, more and more web marketers are placing an emphasis on a user’s experience. In fact, it’s reached the point where the phrase “user experience” has become tossed around so much that the meaning is getting lost in translation. However, knowing how to improve the user experience for your website is a whole other undertaking.…

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how to increase brand awareness for small business

How to Integrate Your Brand Into All Aspects of Your Business

By Sara Wesche / March 27, 2023 / Comments Off on How to Integrate Your Brand Into All Aspects of Your Business

Have you ever walked into a store or interacted with a company and immediately known who they are and what they stand for? That’s the power of a strong brand. A brand is more than just a logo or a catchy slogan. It’s the personality of your business, the voice behind your messaging, and the…

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b2b print advertising

Is Print Advertising Still Worth My Time?

By Cate Jewell / March 10, 2023 / Comments Off on Is Print Advertising Still Worth My Time?

While digital marketing is the most crucial facet of your marketing today, a comprehensive marketing plan still includes other traditional avenues of marketing, such as B2B print advertising. Digital marketing, radio ads, print advertising; the list goes on. At RED66, we believe that it’s all just marketing. Digital media and traditional media go hand-in-hand and…

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