Brand Recognition is a Good Thing, If Done Consistently

what is brand recognition

Is it time to update your logo or completely rebrand your company? That’s a common question executives ask themselves, and as a marketing agency, a topic we’ve been discussing more and more frequently with our clients.

And why not? Rebranding shakes things up, gives your customers something to talk about, and makes people stand up and pay attention. Like getting a new haircut - it’s a new you! But is it really?

We hear it so often… Companies get tired of looking at their homepage images, ad designs, and logos WAY before their customers and prospects do. Rebranding or even just changing the “look” of an event is always a good question for a company to explore, but if you are thinking about a brand redesign solely from an internal perspective, pump the brakes! It's time to look at the bigger picture.

Keeping the look and feel of your brand consistent and recognizable is a good thing! Here’s why.

Your Brand is Your Identity  

People internalize the brands they love and seek to align themselves with products they believe in. Any consumer-facing symbol of a brand’s package identity (like a logo or color scheme) becomes a part of that person’s daily life. And, people don’t like change. When strong connections are formed between consumers and a brand, change could to illicit a negative response and distrust begins to develop.

Or, worse yet, they may not even recognize you on the shelf or in their mailbox. Redesign risks an alienation of your core audience. Your biggest cheerleaders, the most vocal, may begin using their megaphone on social media to share their discontent with the masses.

Rebranding Can be Confusing to Customers  

When a logo changes, people tend to wonder what else has changed with the brand - are the ingredients different? Are they using new materials? Expanding their product line? If the answer is yes, then the rebrand become justifiable. If the answer is no, people get confused.

What was the point of a rebranding if you didn’t change anything inherent about the company or the product? When a company revamps its logo or packaging for the sole purpose of revamping its logo or packaging, the solid foundation they’ve built begins to crack.

Companies like yours invest a lot of time and money in building a recognizable brand and a strong reputation. You want audiences to quickly and easily identify who you are and associate positive things with your images.

If people are responding well and there haven't been any major shifts within your business, keeping things consistent is the best answer.

Case In Point

We worked with/for a large family owned clothing retailer years ago. They had a twice annual sale that was well received and recognized by their core customer base. A new consultant came in and wanted to change things up – and he did, in a big way. A new name for the sale, new look and new approach.

Yes, there was excitement in the air when the ads, signs, and materials were created and sent out.  By all counts, the sale was successful. Then a few weeks after the event, there were several calls and notes from customers asking when the sale was going to be.

What?! How did they miss all of the post cards, charge card statements, building signage, radio spots, etc… well, it was a new look, new name, and new “event” – so they didn’t recognize it. They assumed it was something else.

When is it Time for a Makeover?

When a company significantly modifies its product, service, structure, messages or the way it does business, a redesign or refresh makes sense. In that case, a rebrand signals change and provides the company with an easy way to communicate that change to the masses.

It’s also time for a rebrand if your logo doesn’t translate well across print and digital platforms. Many redesigns are simply the result of age and changing technology. Many company logos that were designed for print only don’t transition smoothly to the digital sphere. In that case, adjustments are necessary to make your brand more Internet-friendly.

If you are considering a redesign, be transparent with your audience. Entrepreneur shared a great rule of thumb; “If it's possible to write a convincing blog post that justifies the redesign, go for it. If not, consider leaving well enough alone.”

Don't Achieve Brand Recognition Alone

There should be intent, meaning and purpose behind a rebranding initiative. Remember, to customers your brand is familiar and recognizable, keep it in place longer than you think you should, and probably even longer than that.

And, when it is time for that change, be sure to outline a transition plan to introduce the new look, new name and new information to your prospects and customers – so they know it’s coming, and have some recollection when all of your new information is in the marketplace.

Interested in continuing the conversation or considering an update for yourself? Contact us today, or leave a comment below.

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